Biology in Ecuador & The Galapagos
Your adventure takes you to Ecuador’s Amazon jungle, one of the most accessible and traveler-friendly areas of the upper Amazon basin and the biologically richest area anywhere on earth. Discover the unlimited varieties of flora, including many of Ecuador’s 4,500 species of orchids, and many plants with medicinal value. Wildlife such as butterflies, bats, monkeys, sloths, parrots, macaws and caimans are all relatively easy to view.
Follow in the footsteps of Charles Darwin as you experience San Cristobal Island in the Galapagos archipelago, home to the oldest permanent settlement of the islands and the island where Darwin first went ashore in 1835.
Here are some of the exciting experiences included in the program.
Stand with one foot in each hemisphere!
Explore and see beautiful waterfalls.
Visit the easternmost island in the Galapagos.
Lecture at Universidad San Francisco.
June 7
10:00 am - 3:30 pmOnline Orientation and First Class
Parents, students and teachers meet in the morning to review travel expectations and the itinerary. Teachers and students meet in the afternoon for their first class and to work on introductory assignments.
June 8 - July 27
(approx. 15 hours)*in total to be completed at any convenient time of the student’s choice
Independent Learning Online
Students will work independently to complete and submit assignments. Teachers will be available to answer questions through the online platform.
July 28 - August 1
9:00 am – 3:30 pmPre-Trip Online Classes
Teachers and students will interact in mandatory online classes as students participate in direct teaching, group activities, discussions and presentations.
August 3 - 17
Experience the course firsthand and make real-world applications.
August 18 - 22
9:00 am - 3:30 pmPost-Trip Online Classes
Teachers and students will interact in mandatory online classes to complete their final assignments.
Prices and Dates
August 3 – 17
**Flights will depart and return to Toronto Pearson International Airport
Biology, Grade 11 University (SBI3U)
Science, Grade 10 Academic
August 3 – 17
**Flights will depart and return to Toronto Pearson International Airport
Biology, Grade 12, University (SBI4U)
Biology, Grade 11, University Preparation
August 3 – 17
**Flights will depart and return to Toronto Pearson International Airport
Communication Technology Grade 12 University/College (TGJ4M)
Grade 11 Communications Technology (TGP3M, TGV3M or TGJ3M) We will also accept AWQ3M
Program Fees
Program Fee
All-Inclusive Price $6,690.00
Deposit Schedule: 1st payment due upon registration, 2nd payment due February 7, balance due April 4, 2025.
(as required by our education partner)
Premium Travel Protection Package $375.00
Registration Deadline
Programs may fill before deadline of April 4, 2025.
What’s Included
Each program covers all essential costs and all excursions, whether educational or leisure. We believe that each group should share the same experience.